Work in progress

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These can be done in a variety of situations including after landing a charged flicker, after landing a meaty spark, from DR jab, from a close range blocked jump in, or from a meaty jab.


Tick Throw Option (cLP can be used too) Beats… Loses to… *assuming they respond to the tick
⭐ sLP into throw • Blocking
• Delay Jab • Walk Back Shimmy
• Reversals
• Mashing 4/5f moves (will beat mashing if you DR into sLP first)
• Instant/Delay Tech (resets to neutral)
• Neutral Jump Shimmy (can potentially AA DP them?)
• Back Dash Shimmy (Ed is about -8 but is difficult to punish, if DRing into tick throw they can't punish w/ Back Dash)
sLP into Delay Throw • Reversals • Any shimmy
• Delay Jab
• Mashing (ends turn)
• Instant/Delay Tech (resets neutral)
⭐ sLP into Walk Back Shimmy • Reversals
• Delay Tech (2 or more frames of delay) • cMKs/Lows
• Any Jump/Shimmy (resets neutral, leads to scramble, but can potentially AA neutral jump)
sLP into Neutral Jump Shimmy • Slow Delay Tech (8 or more frames of delay)
• Some Reversals • Mashing 4f
• Some Reversals
• Delay jab (you get air reset)
• Any Jump/Shimmy (resets neutral or leads to scramble)
sLP into Back Dash Shimmy • Slow Delay Tech (8 or more frames of delay)
⭐ sLP, cLP, sLP string

Confirm into combo on hit or light block string option on block | • Walking back/Neutral Jump/Back Dash • Mashing • Instant Tech | • Reversals • Blocking/Delay tech (ends turn) | | ⭐ sLP into sMP

Confirm into sMP combo on counter hit or cLK combo on normal hit | • Delayed Tech (Beats 2-8f of delay. If you DR into sLP first then sMP will beat instant tech instead w/ 0-3f of delay) • Back Dash (can lead to cLK combo on normal hit) | • Reversals • Mashing (will beat mashing if you DR into sLP first) • Instant Tech (resets to neutral) • Neutral Jumping (leads to scramble) • Forward Jumping (can potentially AA them?) | | sLP into Staggered Jabs | • Instant/Delay Tech (if DRing into sLP beats 0-5f of delay depending on how much you stagger. Other wise will lost to instant tech but better beat delayed options) | • Mashing 4f • Neutral Jump Shimmy (can potentially AA DP them?) • Back Dash Shimmy (ends turn, leads to scramble) | | Unique Drive Rush Tick Throw Options | | | | DR > sLP into Any Shimmy

Ed gets better shimmy opportunities from tick throw after DR sLP | • Instant/Delay Tech | • Mash/Delay Jab • Reversals | | DR > sLP > cMK

To beat Delay tech with a button using DR you can use cMK | • Delayed Tech | |